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How Caroline built a thriving online business with Tala

When Caroline first started selling ladies’ accessories and household appliances in 2017, she didn’t have capital to put up a big store or advertise on billboards. But she didn’t let that stop her from starting a business. She started with what she had, where she was.

Caroline used affordable marketing channels like online marketing, referrals and networks from around. She further grew her capital by saving with two chamas. However, she knew that she’d still need more money to grow.

After her brother invited her to use Tala, Caroline started with an initial loan of KSh 1,000 and grew her limit to KSh 30,000. She used the money to import her own ladies’ accessories, which boosted her profits since she no longer had to buy from importers. She also used the loans to expand her inventory. Now Caroline enjoys the profits from her thriving business.

Here are some lessons from Caroline’s story:

Start with what you have, where you are. Start small, but dream big

Be intentional about taking up a loan. Know exactly what you will use your loan for and have a plan on how to repay.

Make the most of available resources. Even when borrowing it’s important to use all available resources to accomplish your goal. This could be savings or outside investments. Mobile loans are just one tool.

Don’t bite more than you can chew. Take a loan that you can afford to pay until your income allows you to take a higher loan amount. It’s okay to be patient.

Your network is your net worth. Caroline joined two chamas of ladies that were potential customers, partners and even referees for her merchandise.

You’ve got this!

Watch Caroline’s story below.

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