Do you know any friends or family who could use a loan? Tala offers a fast, easy, and secure way to help friends and family receive the loans they need to pay bills, cover school fees and start and grow businesses. You are not responsible for your friend’s loan so there is zero risk. Plus, Tala will give you KSh 500 for every friend you refer after they repay their loan.
To refer a friend, follow these simple steps:
Open your Tala app and tap “Get started” under “Help friends that need a loan and earn KSh 500.”
Select how you’d like to share Tala. You can share your referral link through WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook, Email, and more.
Click send! Your friend or family member will then receive a link to download the Tala mobile app from the Google PlayStore.
Once they pay back their first loan with Tala, you’ll receive a KSh 500 discount on your next Tala loan. You can refer as many people as you would like. You’ll receive your bonus every time. Click here to refer a friend to Tala.